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    A Unique Social Networking Platform for Making Memorable Connections.

    Our Industry Achievements




    iShare Birthday is a unique social networking platform that connects users based on their shared birthdays or birthdays that are close by. In addition to the main feature of connecting by birthdays or zodiac signs, users can also be connected based on shared hobbies, interests or career fields. 

    Whether users are looking to expand their social circle, commemorate birthdays with like-minded individuals, or create lasting friendships, iShare Birthday offers a fun and engaging space for making memorable connections.

    By tapping into the special bond of having the same birthdate or zodiac sign, the app provides a personalized and meaningful way for people to network, celebrate, and build relationships. Users can search for birthday matches, explore profiles, and interact with others through messaging, sharing birthday plans, or simply acknowledging their shared special day. 

    Key Features

    • Birthday Match Search: Users can search for other users who share the same birthday or zodiac sign. A list of matching profiles is displayed for easy exploration.
    • Profile Viewing: Users can view detailed profiles of those who share their birthday. Profiles may include photos, brief bios, and other relevant information.
    • Connection Options: Once a match is found, users can choose to connect, send messages, or interact through other methods.
    • Birthday Reminder (Optional Future Feature): Notifications or reminders for upcoming birthday matches.


    • Expanding the Match Pool: If the matching is based on a specific birthdate only, the potential match pool might be small.
    • Some users may feel uncomfortable sharing personal details with people, based on a shared birthday.
    • Retention After Initial Matches: Users might lose interest after finding initial birthday matches, leading to low retention rates.
    • Finding Matches in a Small User Base: For a niche app, especially in its early stages, there may not be enough users to provide meaningful matches, resulting in a user experience that is not good.
    • Interaction Opportunities After Matching: Simply matching users based on their birthday might not be enough to sustain long-term interaction or connection.


    • We included options to match with users born on close-by dates (e.g. same month or week). We introduced the feature of group chats or community spaces for users who share the same birth month or zodiac sign, broadening the interaction base. We introduced icebreaker questions or conversation starters related to shared birthday traits, helping users bond over more than just the date.
    • Users can control what information is visible on their profile and to whom (e.g. only to matched users or friends). We introduced an anonymous viewing mode in which users can explore profiles without revealing their identity until they choose to connect. Transparent guidelines have been provided on how personal data is handled, and robust encryption has been ensured for sensitive data.
    • Sending reminders leading up to their birthday, and suggesting virtual or real-life birthday events, parties or meetups with birthday twins. Giving badges, points or rewards for interacting with birthday matches, completing profile details, or sending messages, thereby encouraging continuous engagement. Incorporating seasonal birthday themes or competitions where users can participate based on their birth date. Introducing a feature for users to plan or suggest above-mentioned events, or charity events.
    • Investing in targeted advertising campaigns and collaborations with influencers to expand the user base rapidly. Referral rewards for users who invite others to the platform, thereby creating a viral growth effect. Starting by focusing on specific cities or regions to build a strong, engaged community before expanding globally.
    • In addition to the shared birthday, suggesting based on shared hobbies, interests or career fields, to give more conversation topics.

    Transforming Ideas
    into Stunning Designs:
    From Wireframe to Wow!

    Design Tools

    • Adobe XD
    • Invision
    • Photoshop
    ISB Wireframe

    3rd Party APIs/SDKs/Libraries

    • Alamofire
    • Firebase Analytics
    • In-app Purchase
    • Firebase Messaging

    With over 12 years of app development experience, we specialize in offering pertinent IT solutions for medium-sized businesses and corporations. We align with your goals, taking pride in our work and our clients.


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