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If you have made it this far, you are here with a reason. You need our help! We are super friendly and genuinely care to help you succeed.

Enquire today to receive a FREE consultation with an App Guru.

    You will receive our Non Disclosure Agreement to protect your app idea. We respect your confidentiality and therefore keep all disclosed information private.

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    Comprehensive Consultation
    We start the process with a phone consultation to gain insight to your proposed project and provide tailored advice on solutions that are best suited. The pre-development phase is the most crucial, consisting of extensive discussion, planning and scoping.
    Technical Analysis
    We dive deep in understanding your concept and objectives to determine what is going to be involved in the development.
    Solution Recommendation
    Based on discussion and analysis, we provide tailored advice that will help you meet technical objectives.
    Full transparency in preparation for development is crucial. A blueprint is a detailed scope document that defines the functional requirements of the project. Blueprints are mandatory for the majority, however we assess each project individually and determine if it is required.
    Project Audit
    We can perform an audit on existing projects with the aim to provide advice and solutions on ways to upgrade and optimize your platform. Staying up to date and planning for the future is important.


    Brand Identity
    A brand is the heart and soul of any product or business. It’s how the world recognizes you and begins to trust you. What do you stand for, your vision, your values. We strongly stand by effective simplicity, make it memorable and help you establish a brand that will stand out.
    UI/UX Design
    We design apps and websites utilising the latest design trends and requirements. A little goes a long way. It’s the micro details that make a difference. Our designers create elegant user experiences with full focus on meeting business objectives. If it’s not practical, what’s the point of something looking good?
    Design Audit
    If you have an existing platform that requires an upgrade we will help you evaluate requirements to meet latest design trends and best practice. Likewise if you have a proposed design for a new project we will make recommendations on necessary improvements.
    Digital experiences of the proposed end product. Ideal pitch deck for investors to see a development company has immersed themselves in your vision and is delivering an incredible product that will serve the target audience.


    We have a full stack development team providing front-end and back-end solutions for every industry. We work with the latest technologies that are adaptable and recommend what is best for each project.
    App Development
    Utilizing the latest industry standards and technologies, we highly recommend native iOS and Android development to meet objectives. Native mobile apps are more sustainable and perform on an optimal level.
    Technologies & Services
    • Nested list of technologies and services.
    Hybrid Development
    We provide hybrid solutions for clients on a limited budget and those who have existing apps developed on a hybrid platform. Hybrid can be a considerable option but it is not suitable for all types of projects.
    Technologies & Services
    • Nested list of technologies and services.
    Web Development
    Web development plays an integral part with most mobile apps. Majority of apps have a dependency on web based systems that are the core engine of mobile app functions.
    We build mobile responsive landing pages, promotional websites, e-commerce solutions, custom built websites and mobile app dependent admin portals for every industry.
    Technologies & Services
    • Nested list of technologies and services.


    The present and future of digital products and solutions is dominantly in the cloud.
    Majority of apps and web platforms have a dependency on a dedicated server with offline data retention capacity, elastic load balancing and data encryption amongst many other services.
    We work closely with AWS - Amazon Web Services and highly recommend them as the first choice web service provider. AWS are leaders in the market and have the most advanced infrastructure globally.
    If you have an existing and sustainable server infrastructure that can service your platform, we will work with it. At the completion of every development we handle full server configuration and migration to your dedicated server.